Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I use Qlty without the AI features?
Yes, the features that we provide which use large language models (LLMs) are optional. They require an opt-in at the organization level to be enabled.
Please see our AI Data Usage page for more information.
How do I add or remove users?
Access to your organization on Qlty Cloud is always syncronized with GitHub. There is no invitation step required, and no users to manage within Qlty Cloud.
A user will be able to access a project on Qlty Cloud if and only if they can access the underlying repository on GitHub.
How much does Qlty cost?
During the beta period, we are providing Qlty for free (within usage limits). Following the beta, Qlty will be billed as a monthly or annual subscription. Specific pricing has not yet been determined.
When we move out of beta, we will provde at least 30 days notice before we begin charging for service. We will also be offering beta customers special introductory pricing when we begin charging.
Will Qlty be free for open source projects?
Yes, use of Qlty for public, open source projects will remain free forever.