Ignoring Issues with Qlty CLI

To fine tune your analysis results, you can ignore issues within your source code or through rules in your qlty.toml project configuration file.

Mute comments

Qlty CLI supports using mute comments in your source code files to ignore issues on a line, within a block of code, or for an entire file.

This documentation is coming soon. In the meantime, please contact us and we can help!

Adding [[ignore]] rules in qlty.toml

Qlty CLI also allows a highly flexible way to declare ignore rules in your project configuration file (.qlty/qlty.toml). Each [[ignore]] block can specify conditions by plugin, rule, file glob, and level. If an issue matches all the specified conditions, it will be ignored:


1# Ignore the eslint react/prop-types check only in remix/app/components/ui/
3plugins = ["eslint"]
4rules = ["eslint/react/prop-types"]
5globs = ["remix/app/components/ui/**"]
7# Ignore all rubocop issues at "low" level
9plugins = ["rubcop"]
10levels = ["low"]

Reviewing ignored issues

Issues that have been ignored in the project configuration file (.qlty/qlty.toml) are surpressed at generation time and cannot be viewed in the Qlty web application.

See Also