Migrating from Code Climate Quality to Qlty Cloud

For existing users of Code Climate Quality, we’ve simplified the migration process by importing your existing Quality org, repositories, and users into Qlty. To roll out Qlty to your team, follow the steps below.

Qlty Cloud runs side-by-side with Code Climate Quality

To minimize interruptions in your workflow, Qlty can run alongside your current Quality service. You’re able to setup your new Qlty Workspace and enable all Qlty functionality with no direct impact to your current Quality setup. Once you’ve setup your Qlty instance as desired, you can then disable your Quality service on codeclimate.com to complete the migration.


  1. Head to qlty.sh and click Sign in with GitHub.
  2. Login by authorizing the Qlty GitHub Application.
  3. The GitHub organizations you have added to Code Climate Quality will automatically appear as Qlty Workspaces. Click on your Workspace to view a list of your migrated Projects.

Though not required, we highly recommend installing the brand new Qlty CLI.

The Qlty CLI will help you configure and run your analysis locally, allowing for faster feedback loops.

Configure your Analysis

  1. Click on a Project to view your analysis results on the Issues tab.
  • Your initial analysis uses an autogenerated configuration which enables our new Qlty Checks for Code Smells, Duplication and Complexity. These checks expand and improve on the maintainability checks currently found in Quality. Many of these checks use different default thresholds than those used in Quality, which may result in different maintainability scores than in Quality. You’ll also see a wide range of new Plugins (including linters, security scanners, etc.) previously unavailable in Quality.
  1. Next, you can fine-tune your analysis by creating a qlty.toml. For details, see our docs on Analysis Configuration.
  • You can configure Qlty checks with much more granularity than in Quality. You’re now able to set different thresholds for each language in your project, or specify thresholds for different directories, etc.
  1. Once you’ve tailored your configuration to meet your team’s standards, merge your qlty.toml into your default branch to view your analysis results on the Issues tab. On your Project’s Builds page, a green checkmark signals that your analysis has completed. If a build failure occurs (signaled by red X), head to our Troubleshooting Guide.

Enable GitHub Integrations

  1. Once you’ve adjusted your project’s analysis configuration as desired, you can begin enabling Qlty’s Pull Request statuses, known as Quality Gates.
  • Qlty Issues Gate generates a pass/fail status on your GitHub PRs, and serves as a replacement for codeclimate/issues. Within your Project Settings, you can configure Qlty Issues Gate to fail on new issues or vulnerabilities based on severity.

  • In Qlty, you can now analyze every PR within your project, and analysis is no longer limited to PRs targetting your default branch.

  • You’ll also find Qlty Coverage Gates and PR Review Comments to replace the similar functionality found in Quality. Additionally, Qlty offers brand new integrations for autoformatting, AI autofixes, and more.

Enable Code Coverage Reporting:

  1. To get started, head to our docs on guide on Setting Up Code Coverage.
  • Qlty offers a significant improvement to the coverage reporting found in Quality. In Qlty, there’s no longer a browser extension to install, as we now provide diff coverage highlighting directly within the Qlty UI.

  • We’ve simplified the setup process for both GitHub Actions and CircleCI. Qlty also supports a single Workspace-level coverage ID, so you’ll no longer need to manage unique coverage IDs for each repo.

  • Once you’ve begun uploading coverage reports to Qlty, you can enforce coverage code on Pull Requests using Qlty Coverage Gates, configurable within your Project Settings.

  • Qlty Diff Coverage gate serves to replace the existing codeclimate/diff-coverage status. As in Quality, you’ll see a configurable threshold for minimum diff coverage, as well a new option for Minimum Diff Size.

  • Qlty Total Coverage gate serves to replace the existing codeclimate/total-coverage status, and includes new configurability with the new Total Coverage Variation setting.

Updating Required Statuses

  1. Once you’ve enabled Qlty Gates, you can then enforce Qlty analysis by setting a required status in GitHub.
  2. If your GitHub repo has existing status requirements for your codeclimate statuses, you’ll need to remove those requirements in GitHub before uninstalling the Quality PR integrations on codeclimate.com.

Configure Workspace Settings

  1. In Qlty, you’ll see new Workspace-level settings for Qlty Gates, Project Analysis, and more. Here, you can configure default configurations to apply to all projects within your Workspace.

See Also